It is 5am and I am done with hotel living. We have 2 rooms, a room for hubby and myself, and a room for the kids. Well, this morning I have 3 children in my room. Boy 3 woke up at 3:30am insisting on watching "TB". I made him go back to sleep after a little screaming. Then at 4am boy 2 decided to join us. Girl is asleep on the couch. AUGHHH!! Finally after lying in a full size bed with 4 people I had had enough. I can't wait to move into our house on Monday. I am VERY THANKFUL we are not living here for much longer.
Boy 1 starts school today. I think he is nervous and a bit excited, although he would never admit it. They have some really cool things at Boy 1's school, like SKI CLUB, he can take a foreign language & it counts towards highschool credit. He has decided he is going to take Korean. Girl does not start till Monday, she could have started today, but we have classes that are mandatory for myself and hubby to attend today and tomorrow. Girl has to have an orientation at her school with parents, so the next time available is Monday.
I found Youth services. I still have to fill out paperwork, but when that is done I will be able to enroll the chldren in sports and piano. I also found PWOC (protestant women of the chapel), they meet on Wednesday mornings. I plan on attending this coming Wednesday.
OH - OH -OH....I forgot to mention - I found a house helper!!! Her name is Grace and she is from the Phillipines. She will come as often as I like and will do whatever I need done, from cleaning the house, doing laundry, to watching the children! She does this all for a rate of $8 per hour! I should be able to have her a couple of times a week. I am so excited.
That's it for now.....I will post a few pictures this evening.