Monday we moved into our new home. I was pleasantly surprised with housing, I expected the worst, but didn’t get it. For you guys that are military or those of you that visited us in Kansas, Korea housing is MUCH BETTER! The kids are very happy with it, and love having a place to call home. We have a huge playground right outside our back door & 3 more playgrounds in our small neighborhood. Boy 1 already has a girlfriend (he has only been in school 3 days) and was ask to the Sadie Hawkins dance by 2 different girls. I think his adjustment period is over. Girl has been in school 2 days; she likes her class, but says she will never love it as much as her last class. She has made several friends, including the little girls next door. Girl also tells us at least once daily that she really likes Korea. Boys 2 & 3 are doing great & have made several new friends on the playground. The playground is wonderful; however there is a downside to it, the floor of the playground is sand, so it is like having a huge sandbox outside your back door. I have NEVER seen such dirty children. I now know why people have play clothes for their children. Girl had a white shirt on the day we moved in when she came in from playing it was brown. I don’t know if it will ever come clean, but I am good with that. J
So now we are just settling into a routine, which feels nice. Our neighbors had us over for dinner last night. It is so nice being in a neighborhood where neighbors talk to each other and seem to care about each other. It was also nice eating a home cooked meal again.
Yesterday I got a cell phone although it doesn’t seem to work in the house very well. We should be getting our vontage line in the next couple of weeks, and for those of you that knew our old home number, I think we are getting the same number. I will let you know for sure. We still do not have internet, so my blogs will not be consistent.
A DATE & TIME for the baby book: boy 3 went poop in the potty just now…Wed, 23 April at 9:05 AM! He has been showing signs of potty training for the past 3 months, however Mommy wasn’t ready because of the move, but now it is on! I am almost diaper FREE!!