When picking my children up from school a Korean lady approached me. She told me she was a modeling agent, and went on and on about how beautiful my children are, (I totally agree) ultimately asking if my children would like to model. Now, if I were in the states I would have run for the hills, started freaking out and most likely yelling for a police officer. However, we are in Korea, where children mean the world and I really feel no one (especially Koreans) would cause harm to children. You would have to be here to understand this. Another thing that helped is my neighbor had mentioned to me the night before that her children had done some modeling here. I let the lady take pictures of my children and gave her my cell number; she gave me her card and told me she would call me. When we got home, I went to my neighbors to ask her if this was the company her children worked for, indeed it was. She went on telling me how wonderful the lady was and showed me the work of her children. She reassured me that modeling here is very different than in the states, this is fun, dress up, play time. Her children have been in several magazines and calendars, they were paid very well for it and enjoyed doing it. So we will see, are my children model material? I’ll keep you posted on this journey.