This might be my last post for a few days, because today we check out of the hotel and into our house, it is actually a 6 or 8 plex & I don't know when my internet will be hooked up. Although I am excited about moving out of the hotel, we don't have any of our things that have been shipped over. Of course we have the things we brought on the airplane with us, which are important, but we are missing things like....sheets, shower curtains, towels, dishes, pots & pans - you get the idea. The house does come furnished, so we will have places to sit and lay, and if you remember we brought our COFFEE MACHINE on the airplane, so we will have coffee to drink. :) OH, yesterday we bought a car, a '94 Toyota Camery. It is not a 'hooptie' , it runs great and has been maintained very well. Not all of our family can fit it it, but it is just to get around post. Everything is within walking distance & hubby will take the bus to work most days. I doubt I will ever drive off post. If you ever come to visit, hubby will be the one to pick you up.

This is the family eating at a little place in Seoul. I think the kids enjoyed the experience, but I'm not sure how much they liked the food.
Below is a picture of they way you eat at a Korean restaurant, they bring everything out and you cook your meat on these little grills in the middle of the table. We never know what we are ordering, we just point at a picture.

This is hubby buying rice cakes from a street vendor. The vendor gave us multiple things to try, before we decided on the rice cakes. We sampled some hard black corn, which boy 2 promptly spit out of his mouth; I don't think anyone else saw him do this, thank goodness. We tried a few other things which I have no idea what they were, and something that looked like bird seed, it was in a flat little square, I think it was sesame seeds. And last, we tried the rice cakes, made fresh - it was really cool watching them be made. Rice dropped into a little circular dish; a big arm came down over it with lots of heat, and then out popped a rice cake 4 times as big as the circular dish.