So, I have come to realize that Korea is the land of the not quite right. Everything just seems to be a little off. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I really love it here; things are just a little different. I believe the language barrier is most of the problem. And speaking of language barrier, I started Hongul classes last night. I think learning the language might be a little easier to learn than I had anticipated. Back to the not quite right, first of all forget about "lefty Lucy, righty tighty" it is opposite here. Righty Lucy, lefty tighty....just doesn't ring right, but that is Korea for you. I have discovered most things have to be done at minimum 2 times before they are right. Like our furniture, when they delivered our furniture, they delivered twin beds instead of bunk beds. I thought this was going to be a problem when I signed up for it, and tried very hard to let them know I wanted bunk beds. I think I will get the bunk beds today. Another thing is our phone/internet service. The phone has tons of static in it. I called for a work order, the service man came out and told me it was because I was using the internet and phone at the same time. This is Korea, they are more technically advanced than most places, so I know this should not be a problem. The internet guy is coming today to put in something so I can use both the internet and the phone at the same time.
Remember when I was taking about patience before? I am learning.