The weekends are hard for me. I want to sleep late, but rarely can. This morning was no different. I woke up at 4:30AM - forced myself back to sleep, woke again at 5:15AM - laid in bed tossing and turning for a while finally went back to sleep only to be awoken by a little boy telling me he is about to barf at 6:15AM.
Good times in Six in Seoul house!
So far I'm feeling good this morning.
Good times in Six in Seoul house!
So far I'm feeling good this morning.

Breakfast consists of hard boiled eggs and a smoothie concoction I made up of the few things left in the kitchen. (I really need to go to the commissary!)
ice, handful of blueberries, avocado, hand full of spinach and coconut milk
I didn't think it was great but I didn't think it was bad either. Hubby on the other hand thought it was awful and gave his to me. I admit it would have been better with a banana and some sugar in it, and maybe take out the avocado and throw in some strawberries.....Yeah, THEN it would have been good. :o)
9:30AM - I'm hitting some sort of wall - going to the gym to try to avoid it.
The gym totally worked. I had a great workout and feel like my normal self.
By noon I had gone to the gym, the fish market and a little fruit stand near the fish market. That is where I got these totally delicious strawberries. The produce at the streetside markets are so flippin' good! And these strawberries have totally helped curb my sweet tooth.
The gym totally worked. I had a great workout and feel like my normal self.
By noon I had gone to the gym, the fish market and a little fruit stand near the fish market. That is where I got these totally delicious strawberries. The produce at the streetside markets are so flippin' good! And these strawberries have totally helped curb my sweet tooth.

While at the fish market I picked up some smoked salmon for various things, like todays lunch....
Simple salad with smoked salmon - there really are other veggies hiding in that salad and it was MUCH better than it looks.

Fishermans Stew for dinner!
I REALLY wanted a big ol' piece of garlic bread with this meal and a nice bottle, I meant glass of Pinot Grigio to go with this....BUT I resisted.
Click the link above for the recipe. The only thing I did differently is I substituted the white wine for chicken broth.
Other than fighting through the bread/wine thing today was pretty easy......keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow will prove to be the same! :o)
I REALLY wanted a big ol' piece of garlic bread with this meal and a nice bottle, I meant glass of Pinot Grigio to go with this....BUT I resisted.
Click the link above for the recipe. The only thing I did differently is I substituted the white wine for chicken broth.
Other than fighting through the bread/wine thing today was pretty easy......keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow will prove to be the same! :o)