Anyway, Amanda and I had a great time and we even picked up a few Christmas gifts. I'm going to share one of my blonde moments with you guys...get ready to laugh (even though I didn't feel as bad because Amanda had the same blonde moment). OK, here goes, I thought TEXAS was represented here......
OK, so for my moment of fame....
I saw the booth for New Zealand and the New Zealand booth had wine bottles, and since my MIL has turned me on to New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc's I rushed right over to see what they had. Upon arriving at the booth, the lady working the booth pointed to me and said "Hey, I know you". I immediately start racking my brain trying to figure out where I knew her from. It had escaped me; I had no recollection of this lady. Then she said, "You write a blog, and I read it!"
OMG, someone out there besides my family and friends actually reads my blog!!!!! AHHHHH!!! I'm famous - look at me, someone out there in Seoul land knows me! How fantastic is that?!?! Not only did she tell me she reads my blog, but told how she ran across my blog a few months before she moved here, and how it helped her (OMGoodness, I help people, YEAH ME!!) with her move. She also mentioned how she has gone to the express bus terminal because I talked about it and how she likes our hiking adventures! (Sorry kids, we will be hiking again next weekend!) WOW. I was/am so excited about this accidental meeting. Thanks to my one and only fan (OK, maybe I am going a little too far now, she never said she was a fan, but in my own head, she is) Sara from New Zealand. You made my day, no you made my week - oh for heaven's sakes, you made my year! Thanks for reading! I'm glad you find my website helpful!