Hubby got back from TDY on Saturday night. He had a GREAT time in San Diego with his brother and friend. On Sunday he had a bit of jet-lag (to say the least, you will understand when you come visit) and I had a bit of cabin fever so on Sunday he stayed home with the kids and had a PJ day while I went out with a friend to explore even more of Seoul. We started off going to Dongdaemun, they say some of the best bargains can be found at the Dongdaemun market, a large area packed with small shops & big malls. I went in search of the fabric market. We found everything, the only problem; most things are closed on Sunday in Dongdaemun. This picture is of Cheonggyecheon Stream that travels through the Dongdaemun area. It has great history I will tell you about later when I have walked the entire thing and have more pictures.
As we were walking around Dongdaemun, we happened upon "pet ally". Check out some of the animals they were selling as pets….

And my all time favorite, which I considered buying for my kids.....THE WATER BUG!!!!!