I was very excited when my friend Lara remined me of this great little breakfast. Now, if you click on her name and go to her posting, it is much more in depth than mine is. I thought this was a well know dish to all, but then when I was talking to MY SISTER, she had NO IDEA what I was talking about. So, here you go, eggs in a nest....make them for your kids or your husband, they will love you for it.
Use 100% whole wheat bread, because you just need to. Cut holes in the middle of your bread. I like using fun shaped cookie cutters, but you use whatever strikes your fancy.
Next, melt some butter, my friend Lara says margarine is better in this dish, even though she detest margarine, I think Lara is a smart girl & follow her example often times, but this time I did not listen and I still used butter as I could not stand the thought of purchasing margarine. You just use whatever makes you feel more comfortable.
After you have sorted out if you are going to use butter or margarine and it is melted in your pan, put your 100% whole wheat bread in the skillet, then break your egg and put it in the hole. (Don't forget to put your little cut out in the skillet as well.)
Flip it.
Slap some jelly on your cut out, serve with bacon (oh baby, I love bacon), and fresh fruit.