We took a speed boat over to Managaha Island. Managaha Island is a little island off Saipan that takes 7 minutes by speedboat to get to. On the way there, the driver ask if we would like to see a sunken WWII Japanesse fighter plane, the water was exceptionally clear and clam on this day, so he was certain he would be able to find it. There it was, in tact, you could see the propeller, the body and wings, the tail had broken off and it was a little further behind it. It was amazing.

The island behind us in this picture is Managaha.
When we arrived on Managaha Island I was amazed, the water was even more clear here than on Saipan. I didn’t think this was possible. We settled under a tree on the uninhibited sided of the Island….I really felt like we were on LOST. The root system on some of the trees were incredible and could have been right out of the TV show. If only the island were bigger, I would have thought we were there. We had a great time playing on the beach and in the ocean. Snorkeling was fun, Hubby and I even saw three, three feet sharks swimming along. I wish we could have gone diving on this trip. Next time we will have to travel with friends or a sitter.

This is one of my favorite pictures from our vacation. The Island in the background is Saipan, the person is boy 1.
After a couple of hours we moved to the more populated side of the beach. The white sandy beach went on forever. The sun was SO strong. We rented an umbrella and put sunscreen on multiple times, wore swim shirts, (we had friends warn us about the sun here), but most of us still ended up with sunburns somewhere on our bodies.

By the end of the day boy 3 was pooped.
On the boat ride back to Saipan we saw a HUGE Sea Turtle floating along in the water.