You know how sometimes life goes through ups and downs? Right now, and for the past several months (since hubby has been home from Iraq) my life has been UP. Things are just falling into place, and all is good and calm (as calm as it can be with 4 kids & a crazy dog).
I have been staying extremely busy, this week being no exception. I have taken 162 pictures this week if that is any indication on how busy we have been! We started the week off on Sunday with Boy 2 going on a photo shoot. He shot for a company named COCORITA. I haven’t been documenting all the photo shoots on my blog, because I didn’t want to bore you with them all and I don’t want to seem like one of “those freaky mom’s”. We do the photo shoots as long as they are fun for the kids; it is not something we are forcing on them. With that being said, I think this will be Boy 2’s last photo shoot for a while. He doesn’t love it like he did in the early days (you know, like last month). Sunday his photo shoot was 8 hours long. I always ask my kids if they want to do the shoot before I commit to the agent. He told me yes, even though I did my best to explain to him that it was ALL DAY LONG. At the end of the shoot he said “If Ms. Sue calls again and asks me to work all day, tell her NO. Tell her I will only work a short day.”
Here are a couple of shots from Sunday.
Boy 2 fell in love with the two puppies on this shoot. They were sisters, he was really wishing he could bring one home with him.
On Monday I decided to say home, as it was raining again, for about the 4th day straight. We have officially hit Monsoon season. My housekeeper was here, and it was a good time to clear the clutter…we have only been here 3 months & it is amazing how much paperwork one can accumulate during that time. I got rid of a ton of paperwork, but also held on to a lot of it, because get this….. When we moved here and I was getting briefed on housing, they did not mention anything about recycling, so I ask. The told me I did not need to recycle. I didn’t understand, so I continued to ask about it, and I ask if I could recycle if I wanted to. The told me NOT to recycle. This really threw me for a loop; because I know in Korea recycling is MANDATORY. They even have cameras on trash cans in the apartment buildings to make sure people are doing their part and recycling. On the streets you can’t even find trash cans because of the recycling rules. You just keep your trash with you and throw it away when you get home. Many of you know how I am, so I continued to press the issue, until they finally told me that I do not need to recycle because the Army HIRES PEOPLE TO GO THOUGH OUR TRASH!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that? I think that is INSANE, and it makes Americans look so LAZY! I was shocked, and still am. It freaks me out that people go though my trash. So, back to the subject, I held on to a lot of my paper work so I could shred it. I got a shredder last night and will be shredding paperwork today. On Monday I also reorganized my pantry, added a few labels to thing that didn’t have them, organized my kitchen a little better & so on. I feel much better.
We also had numerous activities on Monday; Boy 2 & Girl had swim lessons, which they are excelling in. Boy 2 had TKD, he likes it, but is always getting in trouble by the Master for talking. He is going to be very strong since he averages about 100 push-ups during each class, an - he has TKD 3 times a week. Boy 1 & Girl had piano, we have a new piano teacher that comes to our house, what a blessing this is. It cuts out a trip for me, and helps with my sanity. Not to mention it saves on my gas bill, which is now out of control with gas prices at $4.24 a gallon here (that price is on post, off post, in Seoul, gas prices are well above $7 a gallon – if I calculated correctly). I am so thankful I do not have my Yukon XL anymore. I am sure it would cost over $120 to fill that bad boy up now. I do feel bad for the poor saps that bought it from us.
I need to run, my kids all need me, & I have to run Hubby to work. I will finish telling you all about my week when I find another spare moment.