This is how it started.....
This pretty red bus almost made mince meat of my van and everyone in it. I'm telling you, I thought we were going to die. Once I recovered from the shock of my near death experience I thought we were on the wrong road. I do not want to be on the wrong road in Korea, so I turned around and went back to start all over again. The next time we did it, at the same merging area (where the bus nearly ran over us) a taxi cab cut me off, then hit the trucks in front of him! That will show him to cut me off. No one was hurt, so I am allowed to say that. At this point any sane person would give up, turn around and go home. Not me, we were on a quest for pottery. I had 2 girls in the car that had never been to Yeoju, and I felt it was my duty to show them this amazing little pottery town. So we continued on our journey with my not so fancy GPS....
One thing you don't have to worry about here is getting pulled over if you are speeding, there are never police cars out on the roads..........however they do have 'police enforcement' all over the place, and they warn you of it often.
Now when you see these cute little yellow signs, I suggest you check your speed. If you choose not to heed thier warnings, they will happily take your picture and send a nice little note to you in the mail....
Once we made it to Yeoju, it was all worth it. We went to a couple of my favorite places, and then to many more places. This next picture is where I bought our everyday dinner dishes (like I have any other kind); I call it the 'blue and white factory'. The dishes are stunning in person, they are not too girlie, but not too manly either. They are sturdy enough for this rough family of 6 and they are very inexpensive!!! Anytime we have someone over for dinner they always compliment our dishes. My friends S & L liked them so much; they each now have a set to call their own.
Look at all of our boxes after shopping at the blue and white factory. Only the one little box on the ground is mine.
We took the 3rd row out of the van; it's a good thing too, because by the end of the day, the back of the van was pretty full.
After checking my GPS again....
we headed to another favorite little spot of mine, the white on white factory.
Seriously folks, this is the factory. You go in through their garage!
Every time I come here this little man is always sitting here spinning pottery with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He took the cigarette out of his mouth for the picture. I wish he hadn't done that.
All of this pottery is made by hand, most of it by the man above and his wife.
On the way home from Yeoju, I had to stop at a rest stop. If you have never been to a Korean rest stop, you NEED to go! They are unlike any other.
Korean's are recycling fools! They recycle EVERYTHING! (That's a good thing)
They want to make sure you have a place to put your dog,
and your baby....
while you have a snack.
Yes, I ate that. My friends didn't want to have anything to do with it, but I made them try it. It is just mackerel, or go/dung/ah in Korea. It is SO YUMMY!
Our trip home was another story.
NOTE TO SELF #36.....While living in Korea, do not try to take a shortcut home, no matter how bad traffic is.
******Some of these photos were stolen from my friend L's facebook account.