I'm not sure you can tell what is going on in this picture, but this is the watering system that is currently being used on post. These guys are watering the bushes. See those big trash cans? They are full of water. They are using small buckets to dip in the trash cans and then pour the water on the bushes. Humm.....seems like their might be a better way to do this.
The first time I heard this phrase back in 2008 I wasn't sure what they were talking about, after living here for a while I started to understand- Korea is the land of the "not quite right". As hard as they try sometimes things for us Americans just don't seem 'quite right' while living in Korea. I think this will be a fun little addition to my blog...enjoy the first of many 'not quite right' updates that you will be seeing over the next couple of years. I'm not sure you can tell what is going on in this picture, but this is the watering system that is currently being used on post. These guys are watering the bushes. See those big trash cans? They are full of water. They are using small buckets to dip in the trash cans and then pour the water on the bushes. Humm.....seems like their might be a better way to do this. This is my kitchen. I wanted to bake cookies.,....too bad I couldn't open the oven door. I had to remove the cabinet handle. Fun times.
Loretta Mask
6/28/2012 03:01:49 pm
Wow awesome. Makes me miss SK so much.
6/28/2012 05:00:26 pm
I forgot about your not right photos looking forward to those
6/28/2012 05:01:13 pm
I love these!!!! Keep em coming!!!!
6/28/2012 10:40:06 pm
I totally agree! :o)
6/28/2012 10:12:48 pm
Definetely not quite right. I look forward to more of these posts.
6/28/2012 10:38:20 pm
Yeah! I love the not quite right from Korea photos!! :)
Rachel S
6/28/2012 10:38:23 pm
Love it.
6/28/2012 10:57:37 pm
OMG! This is the best part of Korea! I have tons of photos of the not quite right! Have fun!
6/29/2012 09:50:55 am
I love this and love reading your blog! I needed this today...I can add a chapter to your "just not right photos" good times ;)
7/22/2012 12:46:20 pm
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“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you
did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou AuthorHi, I'm Trish, the writer, creator and photographer of this blog. I started this blog for 2 reasons, 1 - When I found out we were moving to Korea back in 2008 I was a little freaked out and started scouring the internet for information on Korea. At that time there wasn't much out there so I am doing my part in helping families across the world not be so freaked out when it comes time to move to Korea. The 2nd reason I started this blog was to help stay connected to family members back in the states. Today it is so much more that. Are you moving to Korea? Do you have questions, concerns? Are you freaking out? Freak out no further - click the button to ask a question. I'll do my best to answer open and honestly.
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