Thanks for the memories! Namdaemun Market, June 19th, 214 Lens: Cannon 18-55 / ISO: 200 / Aperture: F/5.0 / Focal Length: 42mm / Shutter Speed 1/80 sec
We started our 2nd Korean adventure tour with Brent's homemade pizza....and we end it with Brent's homemade pizza! Thanks for the memories Brent and Beth! No one makes a better pizza than you. Photo taken with iPad
Moving is hard.
Saying goodbye is harder. This was taken our Air Force neighbors change of command. This event was supposed to be all about him, but really it was all about her. Saying goodbye to her, Michelle, the one in the middle. A neighbor I grew to call my sister, my friend and my confidant. She is a rock and I know she will be in my life forever more. Till New York Michelle, till New York! Finally went to see my first 4D movie.
Have I mentioned I get motion sick? Yeah, not a great thing to combine with and ENTIRE BUCKET of popcorn. Yes I ate it all. Yes, I was sick, but man, Korean movie theater popcorn is the BOMB! So, so proud of this boy.
Our first born. Mom's out there I can't tell you what an emotional roller coaster I have been on the weeks leading up to graduation. I know it will continue throughout our move and his move. Yes, I said his move. I can't believe our baby will not be moving with us, this is it. This is where he starts a new chapter of his live...WITHOUT US! Gosh darn it....who gave this kid permission to grow up? Thank goodness I still have a few weeks before the real 'see ya later'. Yes, they were as good as they look!
The PTO Volunteers were amazing this year...thanks to all that gave. You all ROCKED the ROK! The first time the Seniors dawned their graduation gowns.
They walked down 8th Army Blvd to the South Post Chapel. This picture couldn't be more true. I am so blessed to have this angel in my life. She makes me laugh, she makes me cry, she makes me Jazzercise! (You SO know that was funny!) Friends come and go, but sometimes when you meet someone you immediately know that you will be forever friends. I knew from that first night she sat on my back porch with her eyes open wide thinking "What kind of neighborhood have I moved into?!" I knew then and here that we would be forever friends. I'm so glad you are in my life. “Friends are angels who lift our feet when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly.”
~ Author Unknown Thanks for being that friend. And there it goes....
8 crates and 8,000 pounds of our stuff all boxed up and heading across the ocean. I hope to see it all in Rhode Island! |
Project 365
Am I insane? Have I lost my mind? After thinking long and hard about it (OK, really I only thought about it for about 12 hours) I just committed to doing a photo a day for a year - a 365 'they' call it. This is going to be SUPER HARD for me. Not the photo part, but the editing part. I mean you guys KNOW how far behind I am. A photo a day - that doesn't sound like much, but in reality, who are we kidding? Anyway I'm going to TRY to post each day, but there will be times I might be MIA for a couple of days, just bear with me and I will catch up. Archives
October 2014