Only cash, but credit card +3,000.
Bakers alley 2 times in 1 week.
I totally forgot to buy something for the promotion. While there I was able to get some super cool 'to go' coffee cups. 100 of them for 8,000 won! I found myself in need of ribbon for the promotion ceremony and there is no better place than the flower market to get ribbon. And Boy 3 was more than happy to wake up at 5AM to make the early morning run with me.
After getting home from Texas I had to hit the ground running!
A trip to Baker's Alley was in store as Hubby gets promoted on Thursday! While there I couldn't believe that I had never noticed this view before. This YELLS Korea to me. The tower behind the chaos of this bustling city. Allison.
Visiting Seoul for her Senior Project. Really. Senior in HIGH SCHOOL Project. I love how this captures new and old Korea as well as Allison's love for Korea. This picture isn't great, but it tells a great story about how people drive in Korea.
Do you see the 2 motorcycles? One is squeezing down the side between the cars and the fence, the other is on the sidewalk. Just a normal day here in the Land of the Morning Calm. |
Project 365
Am I insane? Have I lost my mind? After thinking long and hard about it (OK, really I only thought about it for about 12 hours) I just committed to doing a photo a day for a year - a 365 'they' call it. This is going to be SUPER HARD for me. Not the photo part, but the editing part. I mean you guys KNOW how far behind I am. A photo a day - that doesn't sound like much, but in reality, who are we kidding? Anyway I'm going to TRY to post each day, but there will be times I might be MIA for a couple of days, just bear with me and I will catch up. Archives
October 2014