Even though this isn't exactly how I saw this picture it does tell a pretty cool story.
This was date night with 2 of my boys.
Hubby and I used to be SO MUCH BETTER at date night with our kids - you know, each of them individually just getting one on one time with mom and dad. Since Hubby's last deployment we haven't reinstated kid date night. This was the first parent-kid date night in oh at least 29 months. 29 months - that's almost 2 1/2 years! He is off the hook for 12 of those months, but me...well... Anyway you would think we could have figured it out in the past 17 months but as you know life gets busy and you well, just forget. We hope to make this a once a week thing again.
So this picture says to me..
Date night with 2 of my favorite people on earth in one of my favorite cities on earth during my favorite season....
There is so much going on here!