Cancer has always been a part of my life.
As a child I lost my father to it and over the years I have watched as family members and friends have fought this nasty disease. I have supported and cheered on family and friends from the sidelines. This year is different. When you sit beside someone actually going through it and you help them day in and day out it takes on a different meaning. I thought I hated cancer before (and those of you that know me know I NEVER use the word HATE - it is too strong and too powerful), but now I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that I absolutely HATE cancer. It is vicious and evil.
To all those out there fighting the fight, I wish I could take it away from you.
But for now I will walk for you.
I will think of you.
I will pray for you.
I will do what I can for you.
And I will hate cancer for you EVER.SINGLE.DAY of my life.