In a few brief seconds of looking at him tonight these are the things I remember:
Labor wasn't as bad with him, it only lasted 10 hours.
Everyone in the hospital room became very serious after his birth.
He was taken from me.
He was intubated.
He was taken away.
Girl meeting him for the first time.
Hiding him from Girl.
Rocking him in the blue glider rocker.
Climbing on the table throwing flowers everywhere.
Climbing the fence with underwear on his head.
Climbing everything.
Color tints in the tub & splashing all the water out.
Swinging, smiling, running.
Stressing over Daddy being gone.
Biting nails.
Funny guy.
Not so funny guy.
Smart as a whip.
My sweet boy.
I did OK...not great for what I was trying to do, but as soon as I snapped this shot (my only try) the light I was shining on him woke him up....
Canon Lens 18-55
Aperture: f/4.5 | Focal length: 28mm | ISO: 6400 | Shutter Speed 1/64 sec